Saturday 2 November 2013

nr. 960 - Daily League Sudoku - In order Sudoku

I found this sudoku variation somewhere, unfortunately I don't remember the exact place now.

Rules for In order Sudoku:

Standard Sudoku rules apply. There are clues around the grid. These mean the order of 28 3-digit numbers that can create if we read the first 3 digit from the side of the grid. 1 sign the smallest number, and 28 the largers. (All numbers are different.)

For instance if the filled row is 123456789 then the number from the left side is 123 and the number from the right side is 987.

Saturday 20 July 2013

nr. 961 - Tents

I made two Tents (and two Family Tents) puzzles fro Indian Puzzle Championship. One of them was appeared on the competition.  Here is the other one. It is a bit easier than the competition puzzle.

Rules for Tents

Monday 8 July 2013

nr. 962 - Daily League Sudoku - Triangle Sums Sudoku

This is a sudoku for Daily League Sudoku. 
This was a new type of WSC2011. It appeared in Part8, which was a bit special.There were 5 sudoku type 2 puzzles from each. One of them contained only signs, in the other one there wasn't any sign. I invented this sudoku genre to piece out the round.
This puzzle is solvable without any given number, but I decided that I would give some extra clues.

Rules for Triangle Sums Sudoku:

Standard Sudoku rules apply. A cell that equals to the sum of two of its diagonally touching 
neighbours is marked with a grey right triangle, with its legs facing towards the two neighbours. 
Whenever a cell contains two such triangles, the resulting grey square is shown. In this case, it is part 
of the puzzle to figure out which are the triangles that made up for that square. All available triangles 
(and squares) are given. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

nr. 963 - Catwalk

Another old puzzle. I made this puzzles 2 years ago for the WPC. Finally, we didn't use it.

Rules: Catwalk

Draw a line (or more) which connects the circles with same colour. The numbers next to and below the diagram indicate how many cells are used in those particular rows and columns. The lines can go only horizontally and vertically and no cell is visited more than once.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

nr. 964 - Radar

Just a Wednesday puzzle.

Rules for Radar

Rules: Radar

Draw some rectangles into the grid, with sides at least two units, so that they do not touch each  other, not even diagonally. Numbers outside the grid indicate the number of cells in that row  / column occupied by the rectangles.

The rectangles have 2 type of elements. The corners are rounded, all other elements are squares. So if a rounded element is given  it is the corresponding corner of a rectangle. If a square is given it can be edge or inside element of a rectangle, but it cannot be a corner.

Saturday 8 June 2013

nr. 965 - Battleship

I have same opinion about the Battleship puzzles than Thomas Snyder has.

I never liked the 10x10 Battleship puzzles where all clues are given. And I don't prefer the sudokus where 9 clues are given and I have to count the last one.
So I never created this kind of puzzles. Instead of these I made 6x6 puzzles with small fleet. Or 8x8 puzzles with the normal fleet.
You can see my style through the Sample puzzle, which is 6x6 and solvable logically, but I don't think that it is a very easy puzzle.
For the WPC2011 I made some 10x10 puzzles. This puzzle is made of that style.

Rules for Battleships

Rules: Battleships

Locate the indicated fleet in the grid. Each segment of a ship occupies a single cell. Ships can be rotated. Ships do not touch each other, even diagonally. Some ship segments, or sea cells without any ship segments, are given in the grid. The numbers on the right and bottom edges of the grid reveal the number of ship segments in that row or column.

Saturday 25 May 2013

nr. 966 - Coralfinder

I didn't created new puzzles for the blog nowadays. I made this Coralfinder some years ago for the 24 hours puzzle championship. Finally I didn't use it. On the last WPC there were a Black and White round in which the Coralfinder had really high points. So I was almost sure that it would be 12x12. I shared this puzzle with the Hungarian team as practise puzzle. I tried to solve this puzzle again during the bus trip between the WSC and WPC. Somehow, I suffered  but Bram de Laat help me to solve my puzzle :) Now I solved it again, and now it was a bit easier than last time :)

Rules for Coralfinder

Friday 17 May 2013

nr. 967 - Black and White loop

I have some affinity for forgotten puzzle types. A good exception is the Black and White loop. I have seen this puzzle genre only once, but it seemed a good type for Puzzle Marathon. I'm happy that it was relatively popular. This is my first puzzle since the Marathon.

Rules for Black and White loop

Rules: Black and White Loop

Draw a closed loop through all cells by connecting the centers horizontally and vertically. The loop can't cross or touch itself. Between two circles with same colour the loop cannot turn. Between 2 circles with different colours, the loop must turn exactly once. 

Thursday 16 May 2013

nr. 968 - Yajilin

One more loop puzzle on my favourite layout. This puzzle is very similar to a puzzle of WPC2011 which was created by Pál Madarassy.

Rules for Yajilin

Rules: Yajilin

Colour some cells so that you can draw a closed loop through all remaining white cells. The numbers in the grid tell you how many coloured cells can be seen in the direction of the arrow. No coloured cells are allowed to share an edge. No black bordered square can be used by the loop.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

nr 969 - Maxi loop

This is my second puzzle from this genre. I made the first one for the birthday of a friend of mine. Then I wonder how to create a puzzle with only one clue. I hope you will enjoy this simple puzzle. It was fun to create, and a bit interesting to solve.

Rules for Maxi Loop

Rules: Maxi loop

Draw a closed loop through all cells by connecting the centers horizontally and vertically. The loop can't cross or touch itself. The numbers in the boldly marked area indicate the highest amount of cells that the loop goes through consecutively in that area.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

nr. 970 - Bosnian Road

This is a standard Bosnian Road puzzle. I like really much this layout.

Rules for Bosnian Road

Rules: Bosnian Road

Draw a loop in the grid by travelling horizontally and vertically without touching itself. The numbers in the grid indicate the number of cells occupied by the loop in the 8 neighbouring cells.

Monday 13 May 2013

nr. 971 - Masyu

This is an easy, but antisymmetrical Masyu. This week I will focus on loop puzzles.

Rules for Masyu

Rules: Masyu

Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through all circled cells. The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, with a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before/after each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before/after each black circle. 

Saturday 11 May 2013

nr. 972 - Half dominoes

Finally the 3rd puzzle from this genre.

Rules for Half dominoes

nr. 973 - Tents

Again a Tents puzzle. After the zero and minima clues here is a puzle with all clues. The difficulty of the puzzle is similar to the previous. As you see the grid is almost symmetric which implicates that the solution will be almost symmetric, as well.I don't like that, but I think that the solvers can't utilize the symmetry of  the grid.

Rules for Tents

Thursday 9 May 2013

nr. 974 - Half dominoes

This is the next Domino puzzle. In general the 7s and bigger numbers provide the starting points. I tried to place as many as I can. I like that this puzzle isn't so easy instead of the big numbers.

Rules for Half dominoes

Wednesday 8 May 2013

nr. 975 - Tents

Before the next Dominoes here is another Tents puzzle. Normally a Tents puzzle without any clues is really easy. Especially when we use the uniqueness.
So now I added just the relevant clues. The puzzle solvable logically.

Rules for Tents

Tuesday 7 May 2013

nr. 976 - Half dominoes

I don't know the origin of this puzzle type. But it appeared on all three Hungarian championship. Although in 2011 it was in a twisted form.
I like this type because it can be easy and really hard  in same size. Even all clues are given.
I will publish 3 half dominoes this week. Here is the first with almost all clues. 

Rules for Half dominoes

Rules: Half dominoes

Put all the nine half dominoes into the puzzle grid so that the sum of the dots in certain rows, columns, or diagonals be identical with the given numbers assigned to that certain row, column or diagonal. The pieces may not be rotated or mirrored.


Monday 6 May 2013

nr. 977 - Tents

I like the variations of Tents, too. This is a simple and easy Tents puzzle without any number.

Rules for Tents

Rules: Tents

Place a tent next to every tree, either horizontally or vertically. Tents do not touch each other, not even diagonally and the numbers next to and below the diagram tell how many tents there are in that particular row or column.

Sunday 21 April 2013

nr. 978 - Tents and trees

The last puzzle is a Tents variation. In this variation you have to find the trees, too.
The genre appeared on the WPC2003, Arnheim. It was the team puzzle of the first weakest link. Its size was 10x10. When I finished the individual puzzle after 40 minutes, (I was in top20 with this solving time :), and I was the first Hungarian in the center.) I got a 5x5 corner. You can imagine that it didn't provide me any information. The 2nd player brought another useless corner.  We could start solving when the 3rd part arrived. And it was possible to solve the whole puzzle without the 4th part. But I realized this just after the round, of course.

This is a hard puzzle type, so usually a 6x6 grid is enough for magazines or competitions. This puzzle is solvable logically. But I think you need to know really well the Tents solving technics.

Rules for Tents and Trees

More puzzles from this genre

This is the last puzzle from the mini series. I hope you enjoyed them.

Yesterday I solved some of my old Dutch loop puzzles. I especially enjoy the loop puzzles which don't use all cells. You can find these puzzles here, they are small:
Dutch loop

Rules: Tents and trees

Place some trees and tents into the grid. Each tree in the figure has a tent attached to it that has to be in an edge-adjacent cell. Trees do not touch each other, not even diagonally, and the same goes for the tents. Numbers outside the grid indicate the number of tents and trees in that row or column.

Saturday 20 April 2013

nr. 979 - Coralfinder

I continue the mini week with 2 more puzzles. But they are even smaller :)

Today's puzzle is my first invention. I thought of this puzzle type in 2001.

This puzzle solvable logically, but the guessing is also an effective way.

Rules for Coralfinder

Rules: Coralfinder

Select a connected set of squares - the coral - so that it does not touch itself, not even diagonally. (It means that the coral can have no island inside itself.) Numbers outside the grid indicate the lengths of consecutive parts of the coral in the given row or column (similary as in the "Paint it black" puzzles). However, numbers belonging to the same row or column are in increasing order and not in the order they appear. No 2x2 area may be covered by the coral.

Friday 19 April 2013

nr. 980 - Dutch loop

Friday puzzle is a Masyu version. In the Masyu the black circles provide strong starting points. In this variation the rules are weeker.

I can't explain the puzzle name. It appeared in a Hungarian puzzle book (published in 2001) under this name. So normally I use this title.

Rules for Dutch loop

Rules: Dutch loop

Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through all circled cells. The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, and must make a turn in all the black circles.

nr. 981 - First Seen Coral

I tried to create a small, antisymmetrical Coral puzzle. After a lot of suffering I finished this puzzle, and it was harder than I expected :) Nevertheless this is the easiest puzzle of the week, but it provided the idea that I should create some more similar puzzles.

Rules for First Seen Coral

Rules: First Seen Coral

Fill in some cells to create a connected shape which does not touch itself, not even diagonally, and does not contain 2x2 fully filled cells. The corral cannot have an island inside it. The clues outside the grids represent the length of the first filled cell block in that direction.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

nr. 982: Pentopia

I like a lot the pentomino puzzles. They are not tipically small puzzles. But the Pentopia can be an exception :-) So this is the 3rd (and my favourite) puzzle of the series. It's a special a bit, because all clue cell has exactly 2 arrows.

Rules for Pentopia

Rules: Pentopia

Place pentominos in the grid without repeating any shape. Rotations and reflections are considered the same shape. The pentominos are not allowed to touch, not even at the corners. The lines in the grid indicate the direction(s) in which the pentominos is/are closest when looking from that square.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

nr. 983: Lakes

The second puzzle is a Nurikabe variation.

Rules for Nurikabe
In this variation there isn't extra rule about the painted squares. They can contain 2x2 area and they don't have to be connected.

Nurikabe has a lot of names. One of them is the Stream Islands (Puzzle Picnic). It is a good name, because the painted squares form a river. Now they are just separeated parts hence I use the Lakes title. (I don't know if the puzzle variation has a regular English title.)

This is a common puzzle type in the Dutch puzzle magazine, Breinbrekers. The size is always huge, but the puzzles are really easy. This puzzle is the counterpoint of that style :)

If you liked this puzzle, you can solve some of my old puzzles from the genre here.

Rules: Nurikabe

Determine for each cell if it's part of the stream or an island. Each number is part of a single island of horizontally and vertically connected cells, which size is equal to that number. Islands can't touch eachother horizontally or vertically. The cells not part of an island form the stream. The stream is a single connected area, which doesn't cover any 2x2 areas anywhere.

Sunday 14 April 2013

nr. 984 - LITS

I love the small but not too easy puzzles. An extreme example is the Arrows puzzle of the WPC2011. It was only 2x2 and the number of possible positions of arrows around the grid is only 64. But the solving time was 2 or 3 minutes and only 50% of the participant solved it.

This week I will publish some small puzzles. But generally they will be harder than you expect, however, there is a natural limit of difficulty because of the limited size. Sometimes it took me a lot of time to gain 1 or 2 minutes more. Is it worth? Generally no, but sometimes I can create / discover a gem. :-)

The first one is a LITS.

Rules for LITS

Rules: LITS

Colour a shape of 4 orthogonally connected squares in each black bordered region so that all coloured squares form a single contiguous area. This area can't contain any 2x2 coloured squares. Two identical shapes in different regions can't touch eachother by a side. Rotations and reflections are considered the same shape.

Friday 1 March 2013

nr. 985 - Masyu

Here is another practise puzzle.

Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through all circled cells. The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, with a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before/after each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before/after each black circle. 

Thursday 28 February 2013

nr. 986 - Graffiti snake

Here is a practise puzzle for the LMI Marathon test.

Graffiti snake:

Paint some cells black to create walls. The numbersoutside the grid indicate the lengths of blackenedcell blocks in the corresponding directions, in order; as in a Paint By Number puzzle. If there is more than one blackened block in a row or column, theremust be at least one white cell between the blocks. After all black cells are determined, a snake should travel through all the unoccupied cells,moving horizontally or vertically without touchingitself, even diagonally. The head and the tail of the snake are given in circle.

How to solve Fifty-fifty?

Here is some solving tips for the Fifty-fifty type. I will show them through the practise puzzle.

Tip 0:
When a hexagon contain 3 painted or 3 empty cells we can fill the remaining cells.

Tip 1:
When 2 hexagons meet (they have 2 common cells) AND one of them has 2 empty cells from the 4 non-common cells AND the other one has 2 painted then we can mark remainin non-common cells.

With these 2 tips we can make a lot of steps in the practise puzzle.

First we can use the Tip0, then we can continue the solving with Tip1.

Then we can apply the Tip 0 and Tip 1 again and again.



Tip 2:
This is the extension of Tip1. It needs 4 hexagons, on hexa in the center and 3 other which have 2 painted cells from the non-common cells. (Green area.)

In this situation we can't paint any cells in the center, but we can mark empty the remaining cells of the 3 outer hexas.

Most of the fifty puzzles contain hexagon(s) with 3 painted cells. but this isn't always true.
In this situation the Tip 2 provides starting point. For instance we can start the solving of the practise puzzle with this tip:

These are the most relevant solving tips for this type. We use the tip 2 rarely but it is also important.
My suggestion that search the places where you can apply Tip 0 and Tip 1, and when there is no more try to apply Tip 2.

Good luck for everybody on the Marathon.